Monday, June 14, 2010

It started out as a feeling then it grew into a hope

Hi guys....just back to singapore from feeling a bad flu. but was happy!!!because, i just bought a new guitar!!!It is cool!!!!!hahahahah
Well...feel like going to somewhere to relax...and play my guitar...

Monday, May 31, 2010

America idol 2010

press forward to view the new america idol 2010 at my songs musicz...tks

Do I make You Proud????

hahahaha....mid yr exam finish le....chinese fail??YEs!!! I hate chinese...hahahaha
Nw still...waiting for my beloved handphone...sian...luuuuccckilly got spare hp...if nt , i will die without music....nw holiday..still got school...sian...remedial almost everyday...wth??? got band!!!hahaha cn see my juniors!! I hope tis time the band get Silver? Gold better!!!hahaha..with me around, the band will make it??hahahaha...k lah many homework to do....sian....

Everybody nds to rise up n to be love...tis is wat we dream about..but the only question wit me nw is do i make you proud...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The man who cant be moved

Haizzzz...... Well,tdy i in church serving guitar!!! Ltr going sent my hp for repair... Sian;( but gd thing my best friend lending me his hp;) hahahahaha. Haiz..come to think about it, i wan get new acoustic guitar!!!! My old guitar called bezzy is dying... Hhaizzz hahaha get a 12 string guitar is the best!!!! Its like two guitar come together as 1...Hahah,im performing as a guitarist for 45th anniversary in gss.... Hahaha ....kays gotta go serve nw le guitar!!! i really afraid the things i treasure most, will be gone forever

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tmr may not be happening.....

Hahahaha...tmr sports day!!! going to give my suppports!!!n of coz meet my friends!!!:D haiz...bye gotta go compose guitar is waiting for me...
N guess wat i name my guitar : bezzy!!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Haizzz.....I lov u Syafiq!!!! U rock!!!!!!!!!!,poa, n chinese get u grade...I dun care!!!im gona challenge wit rashid,vijaya,junhong to prelim n nlevel exam!!!watch out!!!the storm is coming!!!!!muuuuaaaahhhhhhhhahahaha!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thinking of a new life

Ive been wanting to have a peaceful life alone...taking my guitar..playing along the along the seaside or beach. kinda peaceful..sigh but now...have to go through studies first which is stressfull!!! Ive decided after my studies and ns , i wanted to go to america

hahhaha, life is so stressfull!! sometimes one must relax and unwind... thats all!!

To my best friend AFIQ, i kinda miss the day we spent in sch...
To FARHANA, i kinda miss her she is always be by my side in times of trouble i had in band..HAHAHA..